An open event
designed for students and employees
at the University of Gothenburg
special focus on Applied IT department

Many times, it may seem impossible to remember what was said in a meeting, read and write a sentence or paragraph, or even be on time. Each one of us has a different way of processing information and it is a challenge to understand which style works best for us.
COVID19 related restrictions forcefully changed our habits and routines, and may have made previously challenging situations worse. It had an impact on our health, often invisible and hard to understand.
This event aims to raise awareness on challenges some of us faced in our studies or work during the past year and to be a place for discussing the way forward.
In the first part of the event, you will become familiar with:
Different ways to experience and understand our diverse minds,
The services the University of Gothenburg has to offer to support you,
New techniques for tackling issues in your work and studies
In the second part, you will have the opportunity to listen to a panel discussion between students and employees of the Applied IT department on subjects related to working/studying from a distance and potentials for the future.
Do you want to influence the panel discussion?
WHEN: 30th of September at 13.00
WHERE: It is a blended event.
Online presence: closed
In-person presence (20 people max):
QUARK room, 3rd floor
Applied IT department
Forskningsgången 6,
Lindholmen, Gothenburg
NOTE: The event will have live transcription
Registration deadlines:
Online presence: 30th of September
In-person presence: 29th of September
Vasiliki Mylonopoulou
Magdalini Liontou - University of Oulu
Katrin Strindevall- Gothenburg University Library
Jonas Molinder - FeelGood
Henrik D. Ragnevi - Hjärnkollsambassador
Henrik D. Ragnevi, Alexandra Weilenmann, Joan Lundin, Anita G. Magnusson, Thor Axell
Vasiliki Mylonopoulou
Time Activity
13.00 Opening note & introductions
13.15 Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and the Covid-19 pandemic
13.45 Different ways of reading
14.00 Mental health in the workplace: How to detect signs of anxiety, stress and depression
14.30 A Caretaker's Diary
Break for 15 min - Cake Coffee & Tea
15.15 Panel Discussion
15.45 Open floor / Closing remarks / Q&A
Speakers & Panelists

Magdalini Liontou - International speaker, Finland
University of Oulu, Kaleidoscopic Minds
Magdalini Liontou works as an ESP/EAP university teacher at the Languages and Communication, University of Oulu and she is a Ph.D. researcher focusing on language assessment at the University of Jyväskylä. She is interested in the cultural perspective of assessment, language mediation and inclusive pedagogy. She has published the research article “Perceptions of Greek female adolescents with ADHD regarding family relationships” and also co-authored the book “Scientific Communication in English” for an ESP course taught at Nanjing Institute of Technology (China). Currently, she is the communication member in the “Mediation in Teaching, Learning and Assessment” (ME.T.L.A.) project at the European Centre for Modern Languages (ECML) regarding cross-linguistic mediation.

Katrin Strindevall - Speaker
Katrin Strindevall received her Master's in Library and Information Science from Borås University in Borås, Sweden, in 2008. She has been working in public as well as in academic libraries and since 2011 is a librarian at the Education Library at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden. She has more than ten years of experience working with students with reading impairments and making their textbooks accessible. Her work area focuses on issues related to customer service and equal treatment. She is the coordinator for equal treatment at Gothenburg University Library.

Jonas Molinder - Speaker
FeelGood - Clinical psychologist
Jonas Molinder is a licensed clinical psychologist (MSc in Clinical Sport Psychology) educated at Umeå University (Swe), and at York University, Toronto, Canada. He is a trained psychotherapist, in methods such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)/Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) and Psychodynamic psychotherapy (PDT). He has a background and experience in working within the adult open psychiatric care, with children and adolescents within different juvenile care homes, as well as within the correctional authorities in Sweden.
Jonas is currently working for the organizational health company FeelGood Svenska AB, which is the third biggest organizational health provider in Sweden. His work tasks range from working with clinical treatment of individuals in different organizations, doing assessments of individuals’ workability, lecturing about mental health issues, to consulting businesses/organizations regarding mental health issues.

Henrik D. Ragnevi - Speaker/Panelist
Hjärnkoll - Ambassador
Henrik D. Ragnevi lectures on neuropsychiatric diagnoses concerning, for example, the labor market, treatment, and attitudes. He worked for ten years in the organization Attention and today works in psychiatry, where his own experiences come in handy.
Based on the work ”A Caretaker's Diary,” Henrik will focus on what it was like to work in psychiatry in a psychosis ward during the pandemic and he will take part in the panel discussion at the end of the day.

Alexandra Weilenmann - Panelist
GU Applied IT - Head of the Division of Human-Computer Interaction
Alexandra Weilenmann is a full professor in Interaction Design and head of the newly found (2019) Division of Human-Computer Interaction at the Department of Applied IT, University of Gothenburg. Alexandra and her division had to move digitally only a few months after the division’s creation. People working under her guidance started working at the university some months before or during the pandemic. Alexandra’s practical and psychological support as a leader of the division led to having a smooth work environment regardless of the lack of physical meetings.
She has over 20 years of experience studying the use of mobile information and communication technology and has undertaken fieldwork in many situations involving mobile technology and social media. In conducting this work, she draws upon and develops different methodological approaches to capture mobile situated practices and the users’ engagement with their technologies and services. She has examined various groups of people (youth, seniors, museum visitors, and more), and focuses on their interactions with and through digital technology and services. An overall ambition with her work is to contribute to a society where technology is supporting and enhancing our everyday interactions, in an enabling and enjoyable way. Weilenmann leads the Digital Seniors project and works with the Work From Home project.
Read more about Alexandra…

Anita Grigic Magnusson - Panelist
GU Applied IT - Division of Learning, Communication & IT
Since September 2015, Anita is a Ph.D. researcher in Applied Information Technology with a specialization in Educational Science. Anita is admitted to the graduate school in Educational Sciences at the Center for Education Science and Teacher Research (CUL). With a background as a teacher, Anita’s research investigates students' use of mobile phones in school. In her studies, Anita focuses on how different kind of school regulations impacts students' use of mobile phones, and also students’ perspective on the use of mobile phones in school.
Anita is the Chairperson of the PhD-student council, ITFDK, at the IT-Faculty. ITFDK is an association of PhD-student representatives at the IT-Faculty and a part of the Göta student union at the University of Gothenburg. ITFDK wants to support a community among fellow PhD-students at the IT-faculty, and increase the influence over learning and work environment. ITFDK aims at bridging the gap between the PhD-students and decision-makers at the university, particularly on the faculty and department levels. Through ITFDK’s participation in boards and committees, ITFDK can work for an increased focus on matters that are relevant for PhD-students/researchers

Johan Lundin - Panelist
GU Applied IT - Division of Learning, Communication & IT
Johan Lundin is a full professor in Informatics at the department of applied IT, at the University of Gothenburg. He holds an MSc and a Ph.D. in informatics and is interested in how information technology changes the conditions and possibilities for learning and knowing. Johan conducts design-oriented research developing IT for learning and education. His research revolves around the use of IT in educational practices and IT support for competence management at workplaces. His research projects are conducted in close cooperation with the private and public sectors.
Johan is appointed as vice head of the department of Applied IT at the University of Gothenburg with special responsibility for research and Ph.D. education. He is elected chairman at UPGRADE Research School, a national research school that involves nine universities focusing on teacher education and the digitalization of the school system.

Thor Axell - Panelist
Göta student union - section chairman for the IT faculty
Thor attends a bachelor's degree in Systems Science at the University of Gothenburg. He is the section chairman for the IT faculty of Göta studentkår. Göta studentkår is the student union for five out of eight faculties at the University of Gothenburg. One of the main priorities for the student union this year is the social environment. Students suffered quite badly during the pandemic with regards to mental health aspects. That’s why we now find ourselves at an important time where we need to try and bring back many of the social aspects we lost throughout the year.

Vasiliki Mylonopoulou - Coordinator/Organiser
GU Applied IT, HCI division, Kaleidoscopic Minds
Vasiliki Mylonopoulou is a post-doc at the Applied IT department in the Human-computer Interaction division. Her background is in Human-computer interaction and her research focuses on designing technology that can support health-related behavior and attitude change.
Vasiliki processes information uncommonly, as she experiences dyslexia. She has studied and worked in Greece, Sweden, and Finland, and this inspired her to start this yearly event in 2019. The aim of the event is to increase awareness of the diversity of minds that exist in the university both students and employees.
A big thank you to
The Section of Student and Educational Support at the University of Gothenburg for funding this event
Jonas Karlén for his support in organizing the event and acquiring funding
Petra Berglind Örn for her support in organizing and disseminating the event
Mattias von Feilitzenas for taking care of the digital and technical part of the event
Peter Larsson for his support on the advertisement of the event and communication strategy
Jenelyn Aggerstam, Karin G Pettersson, Lisa Johansson, Emil Fägerwall Ödman for supporting the administrative and practical part of the event in critical moments.
Your opinion matters!!
Please give us some feedback
ADHD and the Covid-19 pandemic - Magdalini Liontou
Different ways of reading
Katrin Strindevall
Mental health in the workplace: How to detect signs of anxiety, stress, and depression - Jonas Molinder
A Caretaker's Diary
Henrik D. Ragnevi
Vasiliki Mylonopoulou

For more information and any question contact:
Vasiliki Mylonopoulou - vasiliki.mylonopoulou [at]